Jere Parker Apps

Anger Management 3.1
Jere Parker
Anger Management & Anger Control HypnosisYou DON'T have to live Angry! Purchase Anger Management &Anger Control Hypnosis TODAY and gain control over youremotions.**Free Anger Control Workbook**Anger Management, Domestic Violence, Road Rage, Hypnotherapy withFree Anger Control Workbook. Stop letting anger waste youremotional energy order now.Learn to control your anger and live a better life.Everyone gets angry at one time or another. It’s not wrong to getangry, but we have choices about how to handle our emotions. Angercontrol means displaying our anger appropriately. Anger leftunbridled can result in medical complications for ourselves andlead to violence, domestic violence and rage. Many people areunaware that domestic violence includes emotional as well asphysical abuse.Anger Management: Regain control over your angerWhile anger is a natural emotion we may allow it to get out ofcontrol possibly even to the point of rage. We all get frustratedand angry at times but we need to govern our responses to controlthis possible volatile emotion.Anger can deplete our emotional and physical energy. Impair ourhealth, uncontrolled it can damage relationships to the point ofdomestic violence. Anger can escalate to the point of roadrage.Effective anger management is one of the most importantemotional skills you can learn.Anger Management & Anger Control Hypnosis will help you tomake intellectual decisions not based purely on emotion.Learn to forgive and seek forgiveness.Gain true self-respect rather than ruling by fear andintimidation.Have more emotional and physical energy.Lower your stress level.Gain more friends and not have people trying to avoid you.Gain control of your anger and regain control of your life.Treat yourself as your own best friend.You want your friend to have happiness and a anger-free life;you deserve the same happiness in your life.Don’t let another day go by idly wishing for change PURCHASEANGER MANAGEMENT TODAY!
Quit Smoking 4.1
Jere Parker
Quit Smoking Now With Jere ParkerStop smoking no matter how long you have been a tobacco user.You can quit without any cravings and without a second thought.This Smoking Cessation Program comes with a free book to help aidyou in the process.Begin making a dramatic difference in your life immediately.This Stop Smoking application will guide and teach you to awakenthe hidden powers you have within you.Learn to Stop Smoking and regain control of your life.Cigarette smoke contains many, many carcinogens and a multitudeof products damaging to our body. Cigar smoke, snuff and chew haveproven to be responsible for some cancers. Yet people continue tosmoke and the tobacco industry continues to market smoking and theuse of tobacco products as smart and individualistic. They flavortheir products with flavors of chocolate, strawberry, cherry, etc.Oncologists, cardiologist, ENT doctors and respiratory therapistsknow only to well the damage that occurs from these products.We smoke and literally watch our money go up in smoke. Ourclothes smell, our breath smells, and we’re controlled by aninanimate object that dictates to us which we not only follow butlet it kill us in the process.An effective Stop Smoking program can set you back on course toa happier more fulfilled life.My package will allow you to program your subconscious to onceand for all build stop smoking. Some of the many advantages toliving a smoke-free life are:• Regain control of your life• Have more money• Have more energy• Breath easier• Be with your loved ones longer• Live a longer, healthier lifeGain control of your smoking addiction and regain control ofyour life.My Stop Smoking MP3 contains years of experience and knowledgethat will enable you to unleash the formidable power within youthat has laid dormant for weeks, months or even years. Rewardyourself today by starting your new life and begin immediateimprovement.Treat yourself as your own best friend.You want your friend to have happiness and a smoke-free life; youdeserve the same happiness in your life.Don’t let another day go by idly wishing for change.
Intimacy 1.5
Jere Parker
Strengthen Your Love Life & RelationshipsHypnosisBuild your love life. Strengthen Your Marriage. Build yourInterpersonal Relationships with your spouse NOW. Don't wait toregain your old feelings. Purchase Stengthen Your Love LifeHypnosis TODAY and get back the relationship THAT YOU DESERVE.Over time, many relationships seem to dissolve. What was oncejoy becomes regret. What was once a team, ready to face obstaclestogether, becomes separate individuals going their own way.Negative aspects in the partnership, if they are not dealt with,evolve into bitterness. Bickering back and forth takes on a life ofits own and becomes the relationship’s main activity. Hills becomemountains, valleys become canyons, and the outcome is despair. Inthe end, both parties feel totally hopeless.Relationship Testimonials"Many Thanks. The tools you provided helps us communicate a lotbetter and get are emotions out with all the bickering." Ashley T.,Zionsville, In"After growing apart for so many years it has been hardreconnecting but you’ve helped us to begin the process." Noah &Mary H., Dallas, TxTry this approach in your relationship, not to start an argumentbut for the sake of discussion. Your answers to the three questionsreflect your personal perspectives, but this is the reality you aredealing with.What do you want out of a relationship?What do you believe you are getting?What do you believe you are not getting?Take one issue a week and work on it. You cannot resolve all theproblems in one sitting.Treat yourself as your own best friend.You want your friend to have happiness and a anger-free life;you deserve the same happiness in your life.Don’t let another day go by idly wishing for change PURCHASETODAY and put the intimacy back in your relationship.
Self Esteem 2.1
Jere Parker
Self Esteem & Confidence HypnosisGet the Self Esteem & Confidence YOU DESERVE! Get rid of thenegative thoughts and start believing in yourself. Purchase SelfEsteem & Confidence Hypnosis TODAY and get back the CONFIDENCETHAT Is YOURS.Sometimes we allow past negative experiences to influence andeven dictate our present thoughts, feelings and behaviors. We mayhave been told we weren’t smart enough or pretty enough. We mayhave interpreted a justifiable criticism as a “put down”. Or we mayhave misinterpreted a comment to mean “you're not good enough”,allowing it to influence our thinking and injecting itself into ourbelief system.We begin to lack confidence and belief in ourselves, setting uproadblocks to our success. You can begin to build your confidence,self-worth and self-esteem today.Gain powerful rewards today.Be more self-assured.Let your strengths out.Learn that you’re as good as anyone else.Begin to realize your thoughts and feelings are no lessimportant than the next persons.Self Esteem Testimonials"I’ve had issues with self-esteem all my life. The CD hasenabled me to feel better and hold my head high." Pat P.,Fullerton, Ca"I was very pleased with your service. I have more confidence atand with my job." Ted G., Lebanon, InSelf esteem is one of the most important emotional skills you canlearn.Self Esteem & Confidence Hypnotherapy will permit you tomake intellectual decisions not based purely on emotion.Learn to forgive and seek forgiveness.Gain true self-respect rather than ruling by fear andintimidation.Have more emotional and physical energy.Lower your stress level.Gain more friends and not have people trying to avoid you.Treat yourself as your own best friend.You want your friend to have happiness and a anger-free life;you deserve the same happiness in your life.Don’t let another day go by idly wishing for change PURCHASE NOWAND GET THE SELF ESTEEM YOU DESERVE.
Stress & Anxiety 4.1
Jere Parker
Stress, Anxiety, & Panic Attack ReliefHypnosisPurchase Stress and Anxiety Relief Hypnosis TODAY and get offthe worry treadmill. Stop "what if" thinking, and otherself-destructive behaviors. YOU DESERVE RELAXATION AND STRESSRELIEF. You deserve to feel better, think clearer and conquer yourfears. Order Stress Management TODAY so you can start feeling goodagain.**Free Bonus Book To Help You Conquer Your Stress**Stress is a state of strain, whether physical or psychological.We most often think of stress as caused by negative events orsituations, but stress can be caused by positive things as well,like a new job, an approaching wedding, or buying a new house.Stress has a tremendous influence on our feelings, thoughts,attitudes and behaviors.We need to manage not only the degree of our stress but also ourskill level in coping with various stressors.Anxiety is a sense of impending doom, or a general feeling offear whose cause cannot be identified. Anxiety can envelope us likea dark shroud, giving rise to what are commonly referred to aspanic attacks. These can and often do produce heart palpitations ora tightening in the throat, chest and stomach. They may immobilizeus, leaving us unable to take “flight” or give “fight.”Learn to control stress and anxiety and regain control of yourlife.If we fail to manage our stress, over time the side effects ofunresolved stress build up, revealing themselves in a variety ofphysical and behavioral symptoms. Stress ages us more quickly andweakens our immune system, depleting the very resources we need tofight against incoming stress.Stress can intensify, creating fears that give rise to anxietyand panic disorders. These may go unrecognized and unresolved andbecome part of our daily lives. We may become comfortable with anuncomfortable lifestyle, feeling it is completely normal. Stresscan produce the appearance of being "on edge" all the time ordisplaying anger inappropriately.Chronic unresolved stress has a multitude of negative effects onthe individual, both physical and behavioral.Stress/Anxiety Testimonials"It was so hard to just relax and calm down at night. My job isvery stressful! I’ve had countless lost hours not sleeping. Theprogram has helped me tremendously, informative and practical. Itjust works!" Deb., Brownsburg, In"I now have options." Robert V., Orlando, FlGain control of your stress and anxiety and regain control ofyour life.Stress, Anxiety, & Panic Attack Relief Hypnosis programcontains years of experience and knowledge that will enable you tounleash the formidable power within you that has laid dormant forweeks, months or even years. Reward yourself today by starting yournew life and begin immediate improvement.Treat yourself as your own best friend.Don’t let another day go by idly wishing for change PURCHASETODAY!
Releasing and Relieving Pain 5
Jere Parker
Chronic Pain Management HypnosisStop living with pain TODAY. Imagine no more pain fromMigraines, Headaches, Back pain or any other areas of pain.Purchase Chronic Pain Management Hypnosis today and get relief andrelease from your Chronic Pain.YOU DON'T HAVE TO LIVE IN PAIN. Whether you are going throughchemotherapy, had a work accident, back pain, whatever the problemyou can GET FAST RELIEF without medication. Purchase today and getthe relief you deserve.Pain can be acute which provides us with a warning, forinstance, a flame burning our finger.Pain may be chronic which serves no real purpose but tointerfere with our life in so many ways.Pain can be debilitating and cause us to become depressed.Pain can result in sleep disturbances either by not allowing usto sleep for a full eight hours or cause interruptions throughoutyour sleep cycle.Pain Management Testimonials"I can’t say my pain is gone but the intensity has suredecreased." Marilyn D., Terre Haute, In"My pain no longer controls me or my activities." Aaron H.,Phoenix, AzOur concern is with chronic pain and controlling the level ofintensity we experience with our pain.Purchase this download today and begin to get relief from yourdiscomfort within minutes.Return to a time when you had a more positive outlook onlife.Regain the freedom you once had.Be able to enjoy your life again.Learn that you are not helpless and can have control.Get back to a more restful and peaceful sleep.Learn to gain control over your bodies response to pain and regaincontrol of your life.
Successful Life 4
Jere Parker
You Deserve To Be Successful! Purchase Success& Self Esteem NOW so that you can have the power and thefreedom to make those hard decisions and to be confident.**Free Book Pursuing Happiness**You will be able to put yourself in those difficult situationsand rise out on top. You will have the confidence and self esteemto achieve the success you so very much deserve.Free Success & Self Esteem Book to get you motivated andkeep you successful.Sometimes we allow past negative experiences to influence andeven dictate our present thoughts, feelings and behaviors. We mayhave been told we weren’t smart enough or pretty enough. We mayhave interpreted a justifiable criticism as a “put down”. Or we mayhave misinterpreted a comment to mean “you're not good enough”,carrying it with us for years.We begin to lack confidence and belief in ourselves diminishesresulting in setting up roadblocks to our success. You can begin tobuild your confidence, self-worth and self-esteem today. Gainpowerful rewards today.Be more self-assured.Let your strengths out.Learn that you’re as good as anyone else.Begin to realize your thoughts and feelings are no lessimportant than the next persons.Self Esteem Testimonials"I was very pleased with your service. I have more confidence atand with my job." Ted G., Lebanon, InSelf esteem is one of the most important emotional skills you canlearn.Success & Self Esteem Hypnosis will help you live a calmerlifestyle and will permit you to make intellectual decisions notbased purely on emotion.Learn to forgive and seek forgiveness.Gain true self-respect rather than ruling by fear andintimidation.Have more emotional and physical energy.Lower your stress level.Gain more friends and not have people trying to avoid you.Treat yourself as your own best friend.You want your friend to have happiness and a anger-free life;you deserve the same happiness in your life.Don’t let another day go by idly wishing for change PurchaseSuccess & Self Esteem Hypnosis Today.
Fast Weight Loss 4.5
Jere Parker
Weight Loss Management With HypnosisLose Weight and manage your weight loss successfullywithHypnosis. Purchase this weight loss hypnosis program now tostartenjoying a more trim energetic you. Weight Loss ManagementHypnosisprovides the easiest fastest and most efficient methodavailable toachieve SUCCESSFUL WEIGHT LOSS.**Bonus Book Free" Lose Weight Now Get Motivated andAchieveSuccess Now.**One of the most difficult challenges we face in life islosingand/or controlling our weight. Food and drink seem to bethrust atus from every direction. T.V. channels are inundated withcookingshows, chef's being elevated to the level of "sports orrockstars". Challenges are presented where 2lb. hamburgers and 3lb.steaks are ceremoniously devoured while crowds cheer onthecompetitors. It seems as if a third of the commercialsarepromoting some food, beverage or restaurant. Holiday partyingwouldnot be complete without a cornucopia of cheeses, chips andcalorieladen drinks.Going to the movies, don't forget the buttered popcorn, candyandcola. Going to a ballgame, then lets tailgate, which callsforchicken wings, potato salad, barbecued ribs, chips, dip andlastbut not least beer and soft drinks.Rather than a television Food Challenge lets choose aHealthierLife Challenge. Now is the time to take the opportunity,to behealthier physically, mentally and emotionally.PURCHASE NOW and get on track to achieve your weight goals.
Deep Sleep Insomnia Relief 2.1
Jere Parker
Deep Sleep Hypnosis For InsomniaStop suffering from Insomnia TONIGHT. Don't spendanothersleepless night that leads to an unproductive day. PurchaseCurbInsomnia Now Hypnosis and GET THE REST YOU DESERVE.With the stressors of everyday life it is no wonder somanypeople have trouble sleeping soundly and getting a goodnightssleep. Sometimes even when you get the recommended 8 hourssleepyou don't feel rested. This program helps you de-stress andget thenights sleep that you deserve to function better. There aremanystressors that come at you daily, this program helps put you inadeep relaxed state and gently guides you to a peaceful,restfulsleep. You will awaken up refreshed and prepared to notonlyconfront but conquer any challenge you may face.This app includes a nice little night lite and flashlight incaseyou want to read a little before you go to sleep.
Substance Abuse 2.1
Jere Parker
Substance Abuse Recovery HypnosisPurchase Substance Abuse & Addiction Control NOW andBREAKTHE CYCLE TODAY! Don't waste another day being dependent ondrugsor alcohol. YOU DESERVE A BETTER LIFE and Drug & AlcoholAbuseHelp Hypnosis will allow you reach your goals.I address substance abuse as a problem that stands on itsown,separate and distinct from other issues. But more than that Iwantto offer solutions to the negative results of itsuse/misuse.It is a multi-faceted issue. Substance abusedestroysrelationships, families, finances, self-esteem, andspiritualgrowth. It creates legal issues, influences our behaviorourfeelings and our thoughts.Learn to Stop Substance Abuse and regain control ofyourlife.Consider these thoughts and see if your lifestyle fits withanyof them:People drink/use drugs to increase pleasure and/or decreasepain,not because they like the taste. Some people like lemonade,but Idoubt you’ll see them drinking 12 lemonades insuccession.If you have said “I can quit anytime” but haven’t, youprobablycan’t.If you have ever said to yourself, “I need to slow down orquitthis,” something is wrong. This thought never crosses asocialuser’s mind.The use of mood-altering substances takes away reasoning,causingyou to operate on emotions not intellect.Yes, you can get addicted to beer. It has alcohol in it.No one is slightly addicted. That’s like beingslightlypregnant.You stop growing emotionally when you begin to abusechemicalsubstances.Our confidence and self respect are replaced by false pride andalack of humility. It can hold us back from achieving thesuccess.Regain that balance in your life now. Begin to recapturethemotivation and drive you desire.Discover that life without chemicals can be enjoyable.Become more productive.Achieve success.Gain self-respect and respect from others.Remove the guilt and remorse you may have experienced duetosubstance abuse.Feel healthier both physically and emotionally.Learn how to kick your substance abuse habits forever andregaincontrol of your life.An effective Substance abuse program can set you back oncourseto a happier more fulfilled life.My package will allow you to program your subconscious toonceand for all stop substance abuse. Some of the many advantagestoliving a drug-free life are:Regain control of your lifeHave more moneyHave more energyBe with your loved ones longerLive a longer, healthier lifeGain control of your drug/alcohol addiction and regain controlofyour life.Drug & Alcohol Abuse Recovery Hypnosis was put togetherafteryears of Jere Parkers experiences and knowledge gained fromthetreatment of his patients. Drug & Alcohol AbuseRecoveryHypnosis will enable you to unleash the formidable powerwithin youthat has laid dormant for weeks, months or even years.Rewardyourself today by starting your new life and beginimmediateimprovement.Treat yourself as your own best friend.Don’t let another day go by idly wishing for change.